Is the Southern Strategy coming back to HAUNT the Republican Party?
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How did the Republican Party become the Party of Racists
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Alabama Governor, George Wallace, with the Ku-Klux-Klan. |
Before the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Democratic Party was once the Party of Racism, always recruiting White Supremacists and Nationalists into running for office and attack the rights of minorities, especially African-Americans. In the 1960s, the Democratic Party because of the Presidency of FDR became divided on race, Democrats in the North supported Civil Rights, Democrats in the South opposed Civil Rights. Once the Democratic Party fully transitioned from the Party of Racism to the Party of Anti-Racism, the Republican Party began to a strategy called the "Southern Strategy" where the Republicans use language to appeal to former Democrats in the South who were White Supremacists in order to convince them to support the Republican Party, leading to Strong Republican victories on the Presidential level from 1968 to 1988. But the Republicans were clever in their strategy, they appealed to racists without openly saying racist things to avoid a public backlash. The GOP says stuff like "Cutting Government Programs" which means in White Supremacist Interpretation, "take away funding from African-Americans who rely on Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society and Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs that directly impacted African-Americans", the New Deal and the Great Society had positive impacts on Black people as well as White people, but African-Americans were becoming positively impacted by the programs of Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Johnson, which disgusted White Southern voters who were equally being impacted by these programs positively. Ronald Reagan used the word "Welfare Queens" to secretly refer to African-American women who are on welfare, and with Reagan said stuff like "roll back welfare programs and get government off of people's backs, that would mean in the interpretation of White Supremacists to stop the government from helping blacks".
Opposition to Illegal Immigration predominately targets Latinos, not intended to be in a racist way, but creates racial stereotypes, Latin American Immigrants, even those who are legal immigrants, are often confronted with suspicion in contrast to immigrants who came from Europe and Canada. The Republican Party is known to oppose illegal immigration, but their message on illegal immigration often backfires on the Republicans with Latino voters throwing their votes to Democratic candidates, making it a little harder for Republicans to win elections in many areas of the country, especially in the Southwestern United States, where Latino populations are bigger and growing. The Republican Party failing to win even a plurality of Latino voters are the results of the GOP's message on illegal immigration and the racial tensions Latinos may have to live with as a result of the opposition of illegal immigration and migration.
Speaking of Donald Trump, even though Trump lost the Latino vote, no surprise there, Trump was able to win Working Class voters, especially in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, three key Democratic states that never voted Republican since 1992, but Trump threw these same Northern Working Class voters under the bus with his tariffs on foreign imports, having them laid off their jobs because companies can't compete nor benefit with Trump's tariffs, most notably the Harley-Davidson company announced that as a result of Trump's taxes on foreign imports, Harley-Davidson will fire many of their workers (many of whom voted for Trump) and move their jobs overseas. this surprised Trump himself as he promised to prevent to stop job outsourcing.
In the Charlottesville demonstrations from August 2017, where White Supremacists, Racists, and Nationalists were opposing the removal of a Robert E. Lee Memorial, the Anti-Confederate monumentalists counter-protested the racists, which resulted in violence on the city, and Trump, his stupid self, said "very fine people on both sides" which means he's praising the racists, and that gave White Supremacists the green light to run for office, on the Party that was supposed to be the Party of Abraham Lincoln. Most notable White Supremacist Republican candidates are Arthur Jones, GOP nominee for the Illinois 3rd Congressional District for the United States House of Representatives.
Examples of Alt-Right Candidates
Sources: Vox - Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans. HuffPost - All the White Supremacists Running for Office In 2018. USA Today - Nathan Larson is a pedophile and white supremacist.
Sounds like the Southern Strategy really backfired on the Republicans, the whole strategy led to the rise of Donald Trump and his ignorant idiocy, now, there are Racists, the same people the Republicans took advantage of to win the elections of 68, 72, 80, and 84, have risen up and entered the GOP and dared to say to the public eye to the cameras and they are running for office as "Republicans" and say (right in front of everybody) the most racist and most antisemitic crackpot junk imaginable. The Republicans thought they can secretly wear the racist hats the Democrats worn back in the time they were a racist party until the 1960s, well, now the Republicans really are wearing the Democrats' racist hats that the Democrats threw away in the trash in the 1960s.
Arthur Jones - Illinois 3rd Congressional District
Arthur Jones is a Nazi who is running on a platform of "Anti-War sentiment" that he accused Jews all over the International Community and the Israelis (because they're Jewish) of waging wars in the Middle East. Jones is running to unseat Incumbent Conservative Democrat Dan Lipinski of the U.S. House of Representatives. Lipinski's campaign is probably looking at Jones and thinking "we're SOOOO gonna win this race in a Super Massive and MEGA landslide" that is highly likely, who would be stupid enough to vote for this guy, except for those Republicans who really are stupid.
The Republican Party, to be fair, did condemn Arthur Jones and their other racist candidates, but it is not good enough, this is the mess the Republican Party made with Donald Trump, now they have to fix it. Trump has really become more than the cancer for the GOP, he is the ulcer for the GOP, and that ulcer is growing as wide as it gets.
Nathan Larson - Virginia 10th Congressional District
Nathan Larson, not really a Democrat or Republican, or any third party, but an Independent, is running for Congress for the 10th Congressional District from Virginia. Nathan Larson is the legal definition of sexual perversion, he is a pedophile, and he's also incestuous, and he advocates for the legalization of child pornography and incest, like I said, the perfect legal definition of a pervert.
Larson is no problem for neither major party to be very fair for the Republicans, nor a problem for the Democrats. Larson is a White Supremacist, hates other races.
Corey Stewart - United States Senate from Virginia
This is a fight Tim Kaine might probably win, or will he? Corey Stewart promotes the conspiracy theory that Obama wasn't an American-born Civilian, he promotes the already debunked "Pizzagate" fantasy theory, Stewart is as Crazy as Alex Jones.
The Southern Strategy Backfired on the Republicans
When it comes to the Southern Strategy, the Republicans used the Southern Strategy to win the South, but accidentally brought racists like Donald Trump who rings the bell for Alt-Right Crazies to run for office, many of them who ran for office in the United States Government.
The Republican Party's NEW Image?
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Lincoln Crying |
The Republican Party was supposed to be the "Party of Lincoln" but over a century later, the Republican Party is allowing the Alt-Right to throw their Lincoln Hats to the trash. Most or some of the Republican Party are not racists, but every White Supremacist is a Republican, and that's the same people who lost the American Civil War, lost the American Civil Rights battle, and lost World War II. The Republican Party stomped on the legacy of Abraham Lincoln, the President THEY ELECTED to free the slaves and attempt to establish Racial Equality for the United States.
If you think the Republican Party is grateful for Abraham Lincoln, than you're pretty wrong.
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