Compare the Civil Rights Records between Bernie Sanders & Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Many of Us know that FDR and Bernie Sanders are both Progressives, which tells us they are open and principled minded on the issues of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, many of us have forgotten, just decades ago, what are the differences between Bernie Sanders and Franklin D. Roosevelt on the issues of Civil Rights. This is not to Throw Progressives into the bus, but this is just to interest Progressives on how Bernie Sanders would be better than Franklin D. Roosevelt. Bernie was born during the FDR Years on September 8, 1941, 3 months before Pearl Harbor was bombed. With this, if Bernie was President, he would be the only President born during World War 2.

But the Progressives should continue giving FDR credit for the Birth of Social Security, he saved Capitalism, he guided America from Hitler and got America back on its feet with his New Deal Programs recovering from the Great Depression, Making FDR ranked as the 2nd or 3rd most successful and most historic President after Lincoln or Washington or both.

So let's Compare FDR and Bernie's Civil Rights Records

Let's start with Franklin D. Roosevelt:

In 1932, FDR won a 42-6 State & 472-59 Electoral Vote Landslide Victory over Incumbent President, Herbert Hoover because of Hoover's stubbornness to combat the Economic Situations of the Great Depression, with that, he won the votes of African-Americans because the New Deal would have a Positively Impact the Black Populations, but FDR would never end Segregation in the South because he would more likely to lose support from Southern Democrats, back in the 1930s since the 1820s, the South was a Significant Stronghold for the Democratic Party until the 1980s, with that, FDR wished Segregation was over, but when Congress was proposing a Hate Crime Legislation that would ban Hanging Blacks, FDR wouldn't sign it because of the Southern Democratic Senators, but First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, campaigned for it. FDR condemned the Holocaust, but did little to address it, the Roosevelt Administration faced many Accusations of Antisemitism and Racism with FDR nominating a Judge to a Court without knowing that this judge was a member of the KKK, then finally, the Japanese American Internment Camps, FDR in response to the Pearl Harbor Attacks, signed Executive Order 9066, led to the Incarcerations of Japanese Americans, German Americans, and also Italian Americans, in his three elections, he won majority votes from Minorities, FDR issued Executive Order 8802, an Executive Order that would ban Racial Discrimination in the National Defense Industry. Under FDR's America, Women were still not guaranteed Equal Opportunity, LGBT Americans still faced Legal Incarcerations, and Blacks in the South still lived under Segregation up to the day FDR passes away on April 12, 1945, but he did leave America in good shape at the moment of his death, America had lost a great inspiring leader at a time the Country still needed him most.

Now let's view Bernie Sanders:

Bernie has long championed the Rights of African-Americans, Women, LGBT Americans and has Openly Condemned Trump's Racial Controversies on Hispanics, Women, Muslims, and Arabs, in the 1990s, Bernie has defended LGBT Soldiers, in the 1960s, he was arrested for Protesting against Racial Segregation, he opposed the theory that "Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States", and well Bernie for Human Rights, as Human Rights  are concern, fighting for Free Education & Healthcare as "Human Rights".

I think All Progressives should agree that Bernie Sanders' Civil Rights Record is better than FDR, but FDR is my most inspired favorite President because of his Progressive Values and redefined Liberalism and inspired future leaders like Bernie Sanders.


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