Bernie Sanders' take on Trump's First 100 Days

On April 28, 2017, Incumbent Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders, BERNS Trump on his First 100 Days of Miserable Failure, with Trump saying he'll "Drain the Swamp" even though he appointed Billionaire and Millionaire Employees and Crooks from Wallstreet and Goldman Sachs and others of America's Biggest Banks who caused Harm to America's Middle and Working Class. Trump promised "Universal Healthcare" despite the American Healthcare Act, which would ironically raise premiums worse than the ACA has, it would slightly weaken Pre-Existing Conditions Protections, Increase your taxes the more Old you get, not what class you are.Threatened to Cut Meals on Wheels.

Trump spend his First 100 Days accomplishing one thing, Neil Gorsuch, putting the Rights of Minorities at risk.

Trump has lied and abandoned the American People, his actions will damage Civil Rights, such as LGBTQ Rights, the Rights of Certain Minorities, and Immigrants.


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